Roof Hub

Take Your Roofing Operations To New Heights with Roof Hub!

Roof Hub is designed for the roofing trade, making it easy to get a new project underway or order more materials for a current job. With Roof Hub you can take your office anywhere. Available to be used at your desk or on the go! Its real-time delivery tracking shows you exactly where your orders are, and the delivery-confirmation photos help you verify a safe and complete delivery.

Roof Hub is ideal for contractors of all sizes and complexity, and it integrates with your favorite applications!

Build Faster

Order by measurements
roof hub recommendations
smart templates
smart color selection

Build Faster with Roof Hub
    Real-Time Information
  • Delivery Tracking of Truck Locations
  • Weather Forecast Shown for Each Delivery
  • Delivery Notification with Jobsite Photos
  • Invoice History Including by Map View
  • Accounts Payable Management
  • Easy Online Ordering
  • Smart Templates with ItemMatch
  • ColorMatch Recommendations
  • Unit of Measure Flexibility
  • “Need-More” Material Functionality
  • Open & Past Order Views
    Additional Benefits
  • Interactive Storm Maps
  • CRM Integration
  • Supplier Promotions - Automated
  • Detailed Search Functionality
  • Branch Events & Promotions
  • Sales & Marketing Training
  • Mobile & Desktop Versions
Roof Hub Black Phone

On The Go

With all the powerful
tools you already know from
Roof Hub desktop OR mobile

apple store
google play

Everything You Need From Roof Hub

Delivery Tracking

View real-time GPS tracking of all your deliveries. Confirm delivery with pictures of your delivered order.

Invoice History

View invoice history complete with order total, proof of delivery, payment status and more.

Online Ordering

Order all your materials utilizing Smart Templates with ItemMatch and ColorMatch Recommendations.


Videos to help you manage your business.

Interactive Storm Maps

Stay up-to-date on all hail and other drastic weather events across the country.

Supplier Promotions

Take out the manual work and let us submit your purchase data for you to the supplier.


See all your orders at a glance
with live tracking of your DELIVERY
en route to the job site

order delivery tracking

Roof Hub Integrates With
Your Favorite Apps!

Tired of jumping between applications to get the information you need for a job? We get it!
That is why Roof Hub integrates with other tools of the roofing industry.
Get the best of All-Apps by subscribing to the most powerful software tailored to roofers.

CRM Integrations

acculynx logo

Access what you love about Roof Hub in Acculynx! You'll be able to use live pricing to create estimates and keep them updated. Directly place orders into our system and get instant confirmation to you, to the delivery branch, and to your territory manager, all on a single streamlined e-mail! Love setting up automation so that you don't have to worry about it? Use the delivery confirmation pushed into Acculynx to trigger notifications to your crews, homeowners, or sales reps. You'll also be able to access your delivery photos and invoices in your customer's documents. No more having to do a manual upload!

  • Live Pricing
  • Direct Ordering
  • Delivery Confirmation
  • Invoices and photos feed back into your customer's documents

Job Progress Logo

Experience the power of Roof Hub’s live pricing and direct ordering all within JobProgress’s all-in-one cloud-based contractor’s business platform. It’s flexible, easy to use and highly intelligent. Yielding the quickest time-to-value ratio, JobProgress allows contractors and their teams to meet their business, strategic and personal goals in a simple, easy-to-adopt format.

  • Live Pricing
  • Direct Ordering

giddy up roofing logo

Combine the power of Roof Hub with a robust workflow management platform customizable to meet the growing needs of your business. From Canvassing to Close and everything in between, GiddyUp enables your team to work fast and efficiently. GiddyUp’s relentless attention to product detail, features, and improvements helps contractors run their business their way with cutting-edge technology.

  • Live Pricing
  • Order Template Integration
  • Item Recommendations
  • Delivery Tracking
  • Invoices and photos feed back into your workflow

Measurement Integrations

Eagleview Logo

No reason to leave our site to grab an Eagleview! You can now order your Eagleview Reports through Roof Hub. Easily access and download your measurement reports then take advantage of importing the measurements from your reports directly into your order form to automatically generate your order!

  • Order Eagleviews
  • View and download Eagleview Reports
  • Import measurements into your template to automatically generate quantities

GAF Quickmeasure

The GAF QuickMeasure Service delivers roof measurement reports — based on the latest high-resolution imagery — in under 1 hour for single-family homes, and under 24 hours for multi-family and commercial properties. 

  • Order roof measurements
  • View and download reports
  • Import measurements into your template to automatically generate quantities

Hover Integration

Place your orders from the Hover platform using measurements created from Hover's 3D model. Hover integrates with Roof Hub through the Direct Ordering tool to place your order instantly at your SRS Distribution branch. Automatically calculate material quantities and prepare material lists for roofing and siding products in seconds. Save time and ensure your order is based on accurate measurements!

  • Direct Ordering
  • Accurate Measurements
  • 3D Model of Project

Other Integrations

canopy weather logo
At all times enjoy 7 rotating days' worth of hail maps inside Roof Hub! Check out the latest storm and then overlay your previous jobs on the swath. Easily take the data and export it to excel into a low-hanging fruit lead list. You can verify any address in the US to see when the last hail event occurred at the address!

bill trust logo
Schedule payments, manage and access invoices 24/7, and easily export the data into a CSV file with Bill Trust!

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